FireFish é uma empresa de artigos esportivos.
Recentemente foi lançada uma linha de iscas artificiais e as fotografias ficaram por minha conta. Para realizar este trabalho, foram fotografadas as iscas em fundo branco para usar em e-commerce e também foram produzidas fotografias ambientadas. O ambiente escolhido foi próximo a um lago, onde tinha a vegetação típica e um tronco, cenário comumente encontrado em lagos, açudes e beira de rios. A imagem a ser projetada é a robustez dos produtos, a qualidade da pintura e dos materiais utilizados na produção.
As iscas FireFish foram pensadas por pescadores para pescadores.
FireFish is a sporting goods company.
Recently a line of artificial lures was launched and I was in charge of the photography. To make this work, the lures were photographed on a white background for use in e-commerce, and ambient photos were also produced. The environment chosen was near a lake, where there was typical vegetation and a log, a scenario commonly found in lakes, ponds and river banks. The image to be projected is the robustness of the products, the quality of the painting and the materials used in production.
Recently a line of artificial lures was launched and I was in charge of the photography. To make this work, the lures were photographed on a white background for use in e-commerce, and ambient photos were also produced. The environment chosen was near a lake, where there was typical vegetation and a log, a scenario commonly found in lakes, ponds and river banks. The image to be projected is the robustness of the products, the quality of the painting and the materials used in production.
FireFish lures were designed by fishermen for fishermen.