Desde 2012 integro equipes de criação em campanhas eleitorais. Em 2024, tive o prazer de compor o time de criação da candidata Professora Bia.
A Professora Bia foi eleita em 2020 com 1.113 votos e o desafio neste ano era aumentar a votação.
Com muita conversa, muito alinhamento de ideias e muito suor, conseguimos construir uma comunicação do jeito que a candidata queria: alegre, com cores vibrantes e que fosse simples de visualizar. Foram alguns dias correndo contra o tempo para que tudo ficasse pronto para a corrida eleitoral.
Neste trabalho, contribuí com a fotografia, retoque das imagens e criação dos materiais gráficos. Foram dois ensaios: um externo e um em estúdio.
No fim, esperávamos um aumento significativo de votos, o que não aconteceu, mas mesmo assim, o aumento veio e foi suficiente para que a Professora Bia fosse eleita novamente para mais 4 anos de mandato!
I have been part of creative teams in electoral campaigns since 2012. In 2024, I had the pleasure of being part of the creative team for candidate Professora Bia.
Professor Bia was elected in 2020 with 1,113 votes and the challenge this year was to increase her vote.
With a lot of conversation, a lot of alignment of ideas and a lot of sweat, we managed to create a communication the way the candidate wanted: cheerful, with vibrant colors and easy to visualize. It took a few days of racing against time to get everything ready for the electoral race.
In this work, I contributed with the photography, retouching of the images and creation of the graphic materials. There were two rehearsals: one outside and one in the studio.
In the end, we expected a significant increase in votes, which did not happen, but even so, the increase came and was enough for Professor Bia to be elected again for another 4 years in office!
Professor Bia was elected in 2020 with 1,113 votes and the challenge this year was to increase her vote.
With a lot of conversation, a lot of alignment of ideas and a lot of sweat, we managed to create a communication the way the candidate wanted: cheerful, with vibrant colors and easy to visualize. It took a few days of racing against time to get everything ready for the electoral race.
In this work, I contributed with the photography, retouching of the images and creation of the graphic materials. There were two rehearsals: one outside and one in the studio.
In the end, we expected a significant increase in votes, which did not happen, but even so, the increase came and was enough for Professor Bia to be elected again for another 4 years in office!